Tolerance of bad news (0-10, 10 = can tolerate all bad news): 10
Country to analyze the news of: Select a country code United Arab Emirates (AE) Argentina (AR) Australia (AU) Belgium (BE) Bulgaria (BG) Brazil (BR) Canada (CA) Switzerland (CH) China (CN) Colombia (CO) Cuba (CU) Czech Republic (CZ) Germany (DE) Egypt (EG) France (FR) United Kingdom (GB) Greece (GR) Hong Kong (HK) Hungary (HU) Indonesia (ID) Ireland (IE) Israel (IL) India (IN) Italy (IT) Japan (JP) South Korea (KR) Lithuania (LT) Latvia (LV) Morocco (MA) Mexico (MX) Malaysia (MY) Nigeria (NG) Netherlands (NL) New Zealand (NZ) Philippines (PH) Poland (PL) Portugal (PT) Romania (RO) Serbia (RS) Russia (RU) Saudi Arabia (SA) Sweden (SE) Singapore (SG) Slovakia (SK) Thailand (TH) Turkey (TR) Taiwan (TW) Ukraine (UA) United States (US) Venezuela (VE) South Africa (ZA)
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